Panchayat Mahila Evam Yuva Shakti Abhiyan

for Ministry of Panchayati Raj | Date - 26-08-2011

The main objectives of Panchayat PMEYSA) are: () To enable Women and young Panchayat Leaders to come together, (ii) To articulate their problems as Panchayat leaders, (iii) Discuss issues regarding the institutional mechanisms for their empowerment and (iv) Come up with a charter of issues to be mainstreamed into policy and advocacy support so that their concerns are addressed by the process of development adopted by the State and the three tier PRI system.

This is a demand driven scheme and the funds are released to the States on the basis of their justified request / proposals. Activities under the PMESYA include holding of State Sammelans and Divisional / District level Sammelans of Elected Women Representatives (EWRs), formation of Associations, setting up of State Support Centers, sensitization programmes for the Elected Women Representatives and Elected Youth Representatives (EYRs). EWRs/EYRs have undergone training in 12 States, State Support Centers have been set up in 14 States / UTs, 23 State level Sammelans have been organized and 77 Divisional level Sammelans have been held under the scheme, State level Associations have been formed in 7 States. The funds sanctioned to the States / UTs during the year 2008-09, 2XXX-XX-2010-11 and 2011-12 is indicated in Annexure.

Raj V. Chandra in a written reply in the today.

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)