The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today approved the setting up of National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship & Management (NIFTEM) at Kundli (Haryana) at an estimated cost of Rs.244.6 crore.
To be registered as a non-profit company under the Companies Act, 1956, NIFTEM will:
(i) engender cooperation and networking to bring about best national / international practices,
(ii) undertake frontier research in areas of industrial relevance,
(iii) set standards and protocols for testing,
(iv) provide short term courses including degree, management course leading to Ph.Ds and
(v) assist Government in policy formulation and guide the food processing sector along healthy and modern lines.
NIFTEM activities shall initially start from the current year and Institute will be fully operational from 2010-11.
The Institute will function as a knowledge centre in food processing with emphasis on inter-disciplinary research, developing new products and processes, incubating innovative ideas, provide a forum for intense interaction for industry, Government, consumers and experts on the emerging contours of the food processing industry, guide and advise on the HRD support required for the sector and the regulatory framework for the industry.
The Institute would have theme Centres which would be in sector specific areas like fruits and vegetables, cereal based and protein based foods and cross sectoral centers, knowledge management and networking, international trade, food safety etc.