Multi-Pronged Strategy to Address the Educational Backwardness of the Muslim Community as Brought Out by the Sachar Committee

for Ministry of Minority Affairs | Date - 22-12-2010

A multi-pronged strategy has been adopted by the Government to address the educational backwardness of the Muslim community, as brought out by the Prime Minister’s High Level Committee on Social, Economic and Educational status of the Muslim Community of India (popularly referred to as the ). The is as under:

Under the Gandhi (KGBV) scheme, criteria of educationally backward blocks has been revised with effect from 1st April 2008 to cover blocks with less than 30% rural female literacy and in urban areas with less than national average of female literacy (53.67%: Census 2001). Under the scheme, out of 2573 KGBVs, 427 have been sanctioned in rural and urban areas of Muslim concentration.

of access to quality education at secondary stage called (RMSA) has been approved. The scheme envisages preference to minority concentration areas in opening of Government schools. State Governments have been advised to accord priority to setting up new / upgraded schools in minority concentration areas while appraising proposals under this scheme.

One model college each would be set up in 374 educationally backward districts (EBDs) of the country. Of 374 EBDs, 67 are in identified minority concentration districts.

Under the sub-mission on polytechnics, financial assistance is provided to the States/UTs for setting up of polytechnics in un-served and under-served districts. 57 districts out of 90 minority concentration districts are eligible for consideration under the scheme. So far, 35 minority concentration districts have been covered for setting up polytechnics.

Preference is given by University Grants Commission for provision of girls’ hostels in universities and colleges in the areas where there is concentration of minorities especially Muslims. UGC has sanctioned 233 Women’s hostels during 11th Plan in 90 minority concentration districts.

The Area Intensive & has been revised and bifurcated two schemes. A Scheme for Providing Quality Education in (SPQEMhas been launched with an allocation of Rs.325 for the Eleventh Five-Year Plan.It contains attractive provisions for better teachers’ salary, increased assistance for books, teaching aids and computers, and introduction of vocational subjects, etc.The other scheme, which provides financial assistance for Infrastructure Development of Private aided/unaided Minority Institutes (IDMI), has been launched with allocation of Rs.125 for the Eleventh Five-Year Plan.

For subsequent access to higher education, the certificates issued by the State Boards, whose certificates and qualifications have been granted equivalence by the corresponding State Boards, would be considered equivalent by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Council of Board of School Education in India (COBSE) or/and by any other school examination board.

Academies for professional development of Urdu medium teachers have been set up at three Central Universities namely, University and Azad National Urdu University.

Under the revised scheme, financial assistance is given for appointment of Urdu teachers in a Government school in any locality where more than 25% of the population is from Urdu speaking community. The financial assistance would be based on the prevailing salary structure of Urdu teachers employed with schools of the State Government. Honorarium is also admissible to part-time Urdu teachers.

The States/UTs have been advised to undertake community based mobilization campaigns in areas having a substantial population of Muslims. In 2009-10, 19 districts having a substantial minority population were covered under Bharat.

Jan (JSSs) are envisaged in the revised schemes. At present, JSSs are imparting vocational training in 33 out of the 88 Muslim dominated districts in the country.

The mid-day meal scheme has been extended to all areas in the country from the year 2008-09 and also covers upper primary schools.Blocks with a concentration of Muslim population are being covered under this scheme.

All State Governments/UT administrations have been advised for using existing school buildings and community buildings as study for school children.

National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) prepared text books for all classes in the light of the National Curriculum Framework-2005.

Thirty five universities have started centers for studying social exclusion and inclusive policy for minorities and scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.Besides, 1280 of Equal Opportunity (CEOs) have been established in 51 universities during 2009-10 and 1345 and 1367 such are proposed to be established during 2010-11 and 2011-12 respectively.


(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)