Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs & Minority Affairs Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi addresses Press Conference on completion of one year of Narendra Modi Government in Lucknow

for Ministry of Minority Affairs | Date - 10-06-2015

The Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs & Minority Affairs Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said that the “loot lobby’’ of power brokers, which was deep-rooted in power corridors for decades, has been eliminated by the honest and development-oriented Modi Government.

Addressing a press conference in Lucknow yesterday on completion of one year of the NDA Government, Shri Naqvi said that the eliminated and frustrated power brokers and middlemen have inspired the Congress and other political parties to run a mischievous and misguiding campaign against the Modi Government.

Shri Naqvi said that no such type of destructive issue will be allowed to dominate or disturb the development agenda of the Central Government which is working with the aim of welfare of the common man of the country.

Shri Naqvi said that the BJP-led Government has been working with a strong development-oriented will power for socio-economic security of the backwards, downtrodden, poor, minorities and dalits who were deprived of development for decades. The Modi Government is committed to welfare and over-all development of villages, poor people, farmers, youth and women.

“Sabka Vikas’’ (development of all) is our aim and empowerment of all is our commitment. No obstacle will be allowed in the way of this aim and commitment, he added.

The last one year of the BJP-led Government witnessed honest efforts to take light of development to the poor people. Giving a corruption-free Government was the achievement of the last one year, Shri Naqvi added.

Shri Narendra Modi has restored credibility and prestige of the PM’s post. The Government has replaced policy paralysis by an effective decision making system in the country. It has established a transparent mechanism where every single penny of the government is being spent on welfare of the common man.

Shri Naqvi further said, BJP Government is working for the poor people tirelessly and the country is moving ahead on the development path. “Good days for poor, downtrodden have come but these are bad days for power-brokers’’, he added.

Shri Naqvi said that the Modi Government has been successful on the economic front as it has revived the Indian economy which was in a state of coma for about ten years. Now the economic growth rate is touching seven to eight percent rate, jobs are being created.

Steps taken by the Government for socio-economic development, employment generation, making India a manufacturing hub will soon place India in the group of developed nations, he added.

The Minority Affairs Minister said that schemes like “Make in India’’, “Skill India’’, “Digital India’’, “Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan’’, “Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna’’, “Pradhanmantri Suraskha Bima Yojna’’, “Pradhanmantri Jeevan Jyoti Yojna’’, “Atal Pension Yojna’’, “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’’, “Ustaad’’, “Mission Empowerment’’, “Adarsh Gram Yojna’’, “Soil Health Card’’ will be a guarantee of socio-economic, educational development of all sections of the society. These schemes are not just on papers, these are “agenda to be implemented on the ground level’’.

Shri Naqvi said that ‘E-auctioning’ of natural resources like coal and spectrum has brought thousands of crores of rupees in the state exchequer, to be used for welfare of the poor people. The Central Government has taken strict action on the issue of black money. The Central Government has initiated judicial reforms, labour reforms, land reforms, economic reforms, administrative reforms, and electoral reforms.

Shri Naqvi said that the entire world is looking at India with a feeling of equal status and trust. The minorities should assess the Government on the basis of its work. We assure them that when fruits of development will reach to the people of the country, the minorities, especially Muslims who are poor, will be benefited the most, he explained, while speaking to the Media in Lucknow yesterday.



(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)