for Ministry of Human Resource Development | Date - 29-11-2007

While inaugurating the UNESCO Regional Conference UPA Chairperson Smt Sonia Gandhi said that Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2015 must be achieved. Recalling the vision of late Shri Rajiv Gandhi she said that with the effort of the National Literacy Mission the literacy has jumped from 44% to 52% during 81-91 and it further climbed up from 52% to 65% during 91-2001. But regional variations exist. The National Literacy Mission is now being given a new direction. The objectives are to bring a sharper emphasis on female literacy in poorer areas and amongst disadvantaged communities, to effect convergence of existing schemes and programmes, to link literacy to improved livelihood and career opportunities, particularly in the knowledge economy. The Mission will be implemented by institutions of local self governments, to ensure greater accountability and responsiveness.

Smt. Sonia Gandhi reiterated India’s commitment to universalize elementary education by 2010. She said our challenge is to ensure full enrollment, reduction in the drop out rates and to impart quality education. ‘A cooked mid day meal programme is an integral part of this strategy. Today, some 120 million children are being fed daily in schools’, she said. She also said that India, Bangla Desh and Pakistan should redouble their efforts to eradicate illiteracy. This will include greater focus on Information and Communication Technologies and linking education with job opportunities (vocational education). We are at a moment of convergence between technological development and educational need, as well as between educational need and political will. Lt us grasp this moment.

While speaking in the conference, Human Resource Development Minister Shri Arjun Singh said that in a rapidly globalizing age, nothing is immune to change. It has been our experience that large numbers of our people have been able to take advantage of these changes. Indian professionals, whether in software, IT, medicine or management, are leading the movement for change around the world. This is true of other countries in Asia. We are proud of their achievements and wish them well. However, as responsible governments our attention needs to focus on the larger numbers who have not been able to ride the crest of the wave; the people who, if I may extend the metaphor, run the risk of being swept away. It is here that we need to concentrate, and here that there is most at risk.

The Minister also said that the challenge of literacy is not just of finding the means. It is one of commitment and perseverance. Literacy has to be brought to the centre stage not just in our respective countries but also amongst the comity of nations. This needs community mobilization, societal awareness, national commitment and international understanding. ‘Our goal is that every child at primary level is enrolled and retained in school. Taken along with our efforts under the National Literacy Mission, we hope to achieve 85% literacy by the end of this Plan period’, he said.

Director General UNESCO, Mr Koichiro Matsuura said that India is among the countries that have made remarkable strides since 2000 towards EFA, with a range of targeted initiatives that reach disadvantaged children, youth and adults across the country. But in South, South-west and Central Asia, despite such progress the gender disparity remains a problem. Girls account for 66 per cent of out-of-school children in the sub-region, the highest share worldwide. This threatens to perpetuate inequalities in access to learning opportunities throughout life. ‘Quality is also a concern. Rates of grade repetition and drop-out are high across South and West Asia and learning assessments systematically show that too many children leave school without acquiring basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Dr. Shantha Sinha delivered the keynote address. In her address she said that India has been witness to some of the large-scale movements for literacy involving millions of volunteers – the kala jatha cultural campaigns being important testaments to their role in fostering social mobilization of peace, solidarity and active citizenship. Volunteers are at the core of such endeavors to reach out to the illiterate, which recognise the potential of literacy for individuals as well as for societal transformation. Within their enthusiastic struggle to empower their learners are also the heart rendering stories about the emergence of the poorest, and women as campaigners in the movement for literacy. She also said we are together today in this Conference, transcending boundaries of language, culture, nation to meet, empathize with and act in solidarity for all those who have been left behind.

During the Conference an exhibition on the theme of creating literate environments has also been displayed at Vigyan Bhawan. Part of the exhibition will focus on how ICTs can be utilized in literacy and non-formal education: increasing access, localizing content and creating an environment conducive to literacy. Literacy materials are also on display in the “Fair of Best Practices”.

The welcome address was given by Mr.M.A.A. Fatmi, Minister of State for HRD. Video message from Mrs. Laura Bush, First lady of the United States of America, Honorary Ambassador for the United Nations Literacy Decade was shown to the audience. The first lady of Sri Lanka, Madam Shiranthi Rajapakse, was guest of honour in the function. Shri Arun Kumar Rath, Secretary School Education and Literacy proposed a vote of thanks.

(Release ID :33411)

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)