Major Initiatives and Achievements of Ministry of Tourism in the Year 2010

for Ministry of Tourism | Date - 25-12-2010

Year End Review 2010

Growth of Tourism in the current year:

The Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEE) during the period of January-November 2010 were Rs. 57850.00 crore as compared to Rs. 47918.00 crore during the same period of 2009, registering a growth rate of 20.7%. The growth rate in FEE from tourism during the same period in 2009 over 2008 was only 5.0%.

2.Infrastructure Development:

The Ministry has launched a scheme for development of nationally and internationally important destinations and circuits through Mega Projects. So far, 38 mega projects have already been identified out of which 23 projects have already been sanctioned. The mega projects are a judicious mix of culture, heritage, spiritual and ecotourism in order to give tourists a holistic perspective.

Manpower Development:  

Quality Human Resource Development:

(ii)    Skill training of youth in Hospitality Sector (Hunar Se Rozgar Tak):

Travel & Trade:

So far, 544 Regional Level Guides (RLGs) have qualified the training programme. An examination to select eligible candidates for Part Time Foreign Language Linguist Guides Training Programme was held on 12.06.2010 at Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management (IITTM),

Ministry of Tourism partnered with the Bureau of Immigration (BOI) to undertake two days training of Immigration personnel so as to bring in the required behavioral

The Ministry of Tourism has a scheme of approving Travel Agents, Inbound Tour Operators, Adventure Tour Operators, Domestic Tour Operators and Tourist Transport Operators. The aims and objectives of this scheme are to encourage quality, standard and service in these categories so as to promote tourism in

Visa – On – Arrival

As proposed by Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Home Affairs, decided to grant ‘Long Term Tourist Visas’ of five (05) years duration with multiple entry facilities carrying a stipulation of 90 days of each visit on a pilot basis to the nationals of the following 18 selected countries:-

The Ministry of Home Affairs accepted the proposal of Ministry of Tourism and introduced “Visa-on-Arrivalâ€

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)