Lyngdoh Committee to travel to Delhi on March 6 and 7 to meet members of the public on issues related to the Student Unions

for Ministry of Human Resource Development | Date - 02-03-2006

 The Lyngdoh Committee is visiting Delhi and will be meeting people at Delhi on 6th  & 7th March, 2006 between 11.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. On 6th  & 7th March  people will have the opportunity to meet the Committee by appointment till lunch time.  On March 7th  from 02.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. people can meet the Committee without appointment.  The venue of the Meeting is “National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, NCERT Campus, 17-B, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016 (Phone #011-2686 3070)


Pursuant to an order of the Honourable Supreme Court of India, dated December 12, 2005, the Ministry of Human Resource Development had instituted a Committee under the Chairmanship of Shri J.M. Lyngdoh (Former Chief Election Commissioner) to examine and recommend upon certain aspects of student body and student union elections conducted in universities, colleges and other institutions to higher education across India. The Committee:

Shri J.M. Lyngdoh, Former Chief Election Commissioner, Chairman, Prof. Dayanand Dongaonkar, Secretary General, Association of Indian University, Convener, Prof. Zoya Hasan, Professor, Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Member, Dr. Pratap Bhanu Mehta, President & Chief Executive, Centre for Policy Research, Member, Prof. Ved Prakash, Director, National Institute of Education, Planning & Management (NIEPA), Member and Shri I.P. Singh, Retired Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General, Member.


            The Committee primarily seeks to examine the following broad aspects of student elections:


1.                   Criminalisation in student elections;

2.                   Financial transparency and limits of expenditure in the conduct of such elections;

3.                   Eligibility criteria for candidates seeking to contest such elections; and

4.                   The institution of a forum to address grievances and disputes arising out of student elections as regards procedural fairness, eligibility of candidates and / or the non-observance of norms during the conduct of student elections.


In addition, the Committee will also examine and consider all aspects relating to the conduct of student elections, such as aspects affecting the academic atmosphere in educational institutions.


            The Committee hereby invites suggestions from members of the public in respect of the abovementioned issues  All suggestions and comments may be sent to the Secretary General, Association of Indian Universities, AIU House, 16 Comrade Indrajit Gupta Marg, New Delhi 110002.  Suggestions and comments may also be e-mailed to [email protected].


             Venues of the public meetings in  Mumbai  shall shortly be notified on the Committee’s web page at





(Release ID :16093)

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)