Jal Shakti Abhiyan

for Ministry of Jal Shakti | Date - 05-03-2020

Government of India launched Jal Shakti Abhiyan (JSA), a time bound campaign with a mission mode approach intended to improve water availability including ground water conditions in the water stressed blocks of 256 districts in India. In this regard, teams of officers from Central Government along- with technical officers from Ministry of Jal Shakti were deputed to visit water stressed districts and to work in close collaboration with district level officials to undertake suitable interventions.

Further, to promote water conservation and water resource management, five target interventions viz. water conservation & rainwater harvesting, renovation of traditional & other water-bodies/tanks, reuse and recharge of bore-wells, watershed development and intensive afforestation etc implemented during JSA.

Huge public awareness vis-à-vis water conservation/harvesting has been generated due to JSA and further, it has been observed that various stakeholders, viz. Government departments/agencies, NGOs, Panchayats, individuals etc. have started taking steps towards water conservation.

Shri S. Muniswamy, Hon’ble Member of Parliament (MP) (Lok Sabha) Kolar, Karnataka vide D.O.  letter  dated  10th  July,  2019  has  requested  Hon’ble  Minister  for  Jal  Shakti  to  include  Kolar constituency in Jal Shakti Abhiyan.

The Hon’ble Minister for Jal Shakti vide D.O. letter dated 26th August, 2019 informed Hon’ble MP that out of eight blocks in Kolar Lok Sabha Constituency, only Kolar Gold Field is not covered under JSA. Further, it was stated that JSA can be taken up in this block also provided State Government desires and accordingly Hon’ble M.P may approach the State Government in this regard.

This information was given by the Union Minister of State for Jal Shakti & Social Justice and Empowerment, Shri Rattan Lal Kataria in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.



(Release ID :199883)

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)