Indo-Pak Meeting

for Ministry of External Affairs | Date - 26-11-2009

Rajya Sabha

The External Affairs Minister (EAM) met Pakistan Foreign Minister (FM) Shah Mahmood Qureshi on September 27, 2009 in New York on the sidelines of UNGA. This meeting was preceded by a detailed meeting between the Foreign Secretaries of India and Pakistan.

Both the Ministers had a useful, constructive and candid exchange of views on the situation in our bilateral relations. They agreed that the future direction in our bilateral relations has to be one of deeper, sustained and meaningful relations. EAM conveyed to Pakistan FM our view that for a sustained and meaningful dialogue process to succeed, it is essential to ensure an environment free of violence, terrorism and the threat to use violence. EAM underlined and reiterated that concrete and effective steps by Pakistan against individuals and entities who pose a threat to us can instill in us the confidence that commitments given by Pakistan for not allowing its soil to be used for terrorist attacks against India would be adhered to. Pakistan FM conveyed the seriousness of his Government in bringing to book through their legal process those responsible for the terrorist outrage in Mumbai. Pakistan FM conveyed that the trial against those accused for the Mumbai attack would begin shortly and that the Pakistan Government would take steps to see that justice is done.

This information was given by Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Minister of State, External Affairs in reply to a question by Shri Syed Azeez Pasha in Rajya Sabha Today.



(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)