Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology Develops New Technologies

for Ministry of Food Processing Industries | Date - 13-08-2013

The Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology has been developing new technolgies for the benefit of farmers.

In 2011-12, IICPT developed a multipurpose yard drying equipment for paddy drying an on-farm fruits and vegetables washer and a millet puffing machine. It also developed an on-farm vegetable grader fluidized thermal disinfestation unit and a low friction huller for shelling and polishing.

In 2012-13, the technologies developed by IICPT include: smoking kiln for fish and a meat, makhana popping machine, a continuous amla deseeder, a neera (Beverage) from toddy, pneumatic grain pump, a continuous steaming system for paddy parboiling and a tender coconut cutting and juice extraction system.

In the current year, the institute has developed an on- farm leafy vegetable washer, an on-farm washing cum wax coating machine for banana, a ripening chamber for banana, a continuous UV treatment system for surface sterilization of leafy vegetables and a cane sugar peeling machine.

Government has approved up-gradation of IICPT to a national level Institute at a cost of Rs. 102.13 Crores.

This information was given in Lok Sabha today by Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries, Dr Charan Das Mahant in a written reply.

MP: SS: VBK:CP: technology (lok) 13.8.2013

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)