Imports of Fertilizers

for Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers | Date - 24-08-2012

Urea is the only fertilizer under statutory price control and it is imported for direct agriculture use on Government account through State Trading Enterprises (STEs) i

) i.e. MMTC, STC and IPL to bridge the gap between assessed demand and indigenous production.Government is also importing approximately 20 LMT urea from Oman India Fertiliser Company (OMIFCO) under Long Term Urea Take Agreement (UOTA) GOI & OMIFCO.The import of urea from OMIFCO is made through M/s IFFCO & M/s KRIBHCO.The year-wise quantity and value of urea imported during the last three years are as under:-

Fertilizers other than Urea are imported under Open General Licence (OGL).Companies import these fertilizers as per their commercial judgment.Government do not maintain the value of these imports.However, Government is paying subsidy on P&K fertilizers under Nutrient Based Subsidy Scheme.The year-wise quantity of P&K fertilizers imported during the last three years as under:-


The countries from where the fertilizers have been imported during the last three years are Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, China, Canada, Chile, CIS, Egypt, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Oman, Philippines, Qatar, Romania, Russia, S. Arabia, S. Africa, Singapore, Spain, Turkey, Tunisia, Thailand, UAE, USA, UK, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, , Japan and Vietnam.

Kumar Jena in a written reply in the today.

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