Farmer Suicides due to Agrarian Reasons Decline Since Implementation of Rehabilitation Package

for Ministry of Agriculture | Date - 26-03-2012

In 2006, Government of India approved Rehabilitation Package of Rs. 16978.69 crore for 31 identified districts in Andhra Pradesh (16), Karnataka (6), Kerala (3) and Maharashtra (6). Rehabilitation Package included both immediate and medium-term measures to be implemented over a period of 3 years. The package aimed at establishing a sustainable and viable farming and livelihood support system through debt relief to farmers, improved supply of institutional credit, crop centric approach to agriculture, assured irrigation facilities, watershed management, better extension and farming support services, improved marketing facilities and subsidiary income opportunities through horticulture, livestock, dairying, fisheries etc. For alleviating hardship faced by debt stressed families of farmers, provision of ex-gratia assistance from Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund @ Rs.50 lakh per district was also made in Rehabilitation Package. Time limit for implementation of non-credit components of package was extended by 2 years i.e. up to 30.09.2011. Implementation period of the package has ended on 30.09.2011. An amount of Rs. 19910.70 crore has been released under this package till 30.06. 2011.

Government also approved package for development of Kuttanad Wetland Eco-System and package for Mitigation of Agrarian Distress in Idukki district in Kerala, which are under various stages of implementation.

Progress of implementation of Rehabilitation Package is monitored regularly. Number of suicides by farmers due to agrarian reasons, as reported by State Governments, has declined since implementation of Rehabilitation Package.

Since approval and implementation of Rehabilitation Package, Government of India has taken several comprehensive measures aimed at revitalizing agriculture sector, which will lead to increased investment, productivity and production in agriculture and allied sectors and benefit farmers.

This information was given by Dr. Charan Das Mahant, Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.

MP:SB: rehabilitation (26.3.2012)

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)