Environment Hazards of ship breaking at Alang

for Ministry of Steel | Date - 11-12-2009



Ship breaking activities are undertaken at and the operational procedures are being followed as per the directions issued by the Supreme Court.As per the order of the Supreme Court of 17.02.2006, a Central Technical Committee (CTC) under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests was set up to regulate various activities of ship breaking industries.The CTC gave its recommendations touching all aspects of ship breaking.The recommendations are operative by virtue of the Supreme Court Order dated 6.9.2007.Pursuant to the directives of the Supreme Court, a series of measures have been taken for attenuating the hazards of ship breaking and for improving the working conditions at ship-breaking yards.Consequently, detailed protocols and procedures have been put in place for scrutinizing ships arriving for breaking and for handling and disposing of hazardous materials and wastes.The provisions of existing rules take adequate care of the hazards of ship breaking.Further, as and when any shortcomings are noticed, remedial steps are taken.

Based on the report received from Gujarat Maritime Board, it is stated that at present, there are around 17000-18000 trained labours engaged in ship recycling at by the Ship Recyclers.The details of ship breaking activity at during the last three years, year-wise and Light Displacement Tonnage (LDT) are given below:-

This information was given by the Minister of State for Steel A. in a written reply in the today.


(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)