Electrification of Villages under RGGVY

for Ministry of Power | Date - 27-08-2013

Proposal for continuation of Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) during the 12th and 13th Five Year Plans has been finalized and the same has been approved by the Government

Gandhi (RGGVY) during the 12th and 13th Five Year Plans has been finalized and the same has been approved by the Government.States have been requested to send as per the 12th Plan Guidelines for RGGVY.

un-electrified(UE) villages,intensive electrification of 3,88,740 partially electrified (PE)villages and release of free electricity connections to 2.77 BPL households in the country, under RGGVY, during 10th and 11thFive Year Plan,.

UE villages and 2,99,690 PE villages have been completed and free electricity connections to 2.11 BPL householdshave been released.

However, the progress in some States is comparatively slow mainly on account of the following reasons:-

and .

, and of due to contractual issues.


, , and parts of Bihar are more seriously affected.