Eco Marks-Right Environment Choice

for Ministry of Environment and Forests | Date - 05-11-2009



labelsconsumer products as environment friendly based upon certain environmental as well as quality parameters. To increase consumer awareness, the Government launched the eco- scheme known as ‘Eco Mark’ in 1991 for easy identification of environment-friendly products. Any product which is made, used or disposed of in way that significantly reduces the harm it would otherwise cause the environment could be considered as Environment-Friendly Product. They have less potential for pollution during their entire life cycle i.e. raw material, manufacturing, use and disposal.

from Eco Mark norms on the groundthat the Indian leather already meets the

its message has the ability to reach out to the people and can help to promote a greater awareness of the need to be kind to the environment. An Earthen pot which is the logo of the Eco Mark Schemesignifying the use of renewable resource like clay, which does not produce hazardous waste and consumes less energy in making. Its solid and graceful form represents both the strength and fragility, which also characterize the Eco-System. Thus as a symbol, it puts across its environmental message.

which meet the specified environmental criteria and the quality requirements of Indian Standards. Any product with the Eco Mark will be the right environment choice.

Eco Mark Scheme. That are, to provide an incentive for manufactures and importers to reduce adverse environmental impact of products; to reward genuine initiatives by companies in this regard; to assist consumers to become environmentally responsible in their daily lives by providing information, to take account of environmental factors in their purchase decisions; to encourage citizens to purchase products which have less harmful environmental impacts and ultimately to improve the quality of the environment and to encourage the sustainable management of resources.

and Functions

functions which include section of the logo, determine the product categories, mass awareness for promotion and acceptance, coordination with industries to ensure their active involvement, securing the involvement of other Ministries, Departments, Industry Associations and other Non- Government Organizations, formulations of strategies for future development, identify instructions in India or outside to build consumer awareness, promoting of Comparative Testing of products and supporting any research for the formulations of Eco Mark products.

identifies specific products for classifyingas environment friendly, review the existing state of knowledge and the environmental criteria being followed in other countries and various technologies available for determining the criteria, recommend the most appropriate criteria and parameters to designate products as environment friendly. It reviews from time to time, the implementation of the scheme by the Bureau of Indian Standards (set-up sub-Committee for each product category including formulation of test for comparative testing of products by consumer organizations.

fee, renewal of application fee and marketing fee depending upon the quantum of the annual production. The label is awarded for a minimum period of one year and the product is re-assessed after the prescribed periods for renewal of . The at any time if they find any misleading information or any change in criteria due to the advancement of technology or any other valid reasons in consultation with the Technical Committee.

is granted for a minimum period of one year and is renewed subsequently for the same period, after reassessment of the products. The manufacturer must ensure that the product qualify the quality criteria as per Indian Standard before applying to for eco Mark has to apply to is granted if, the product conforms to the relevant set criteria. On grant of a , the manufactures is authorized to use Eco Mark logo on their products.

and 42 Industry Awareness were conducted by dissemination of its findings have been got done by a consumer organization (Voice).

of , which was started in 1997 and has more than 3,000 certified products in the market. Eco Mark of after Blue Angel, which was started in 1989 and 1,902 companies have been issued under which 5,673 products have been certified. and have more than 3,000 certified products.

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)