DGCA issues guidelines for aircraft operations during low visibility conditions at IGI Airport

for Ministry of Civil Aviation | Date - 13-11-2007

The Directorate General for Civil Aviation has issued the following guidelines for low visibility conditions at IGI Airport:

The Low Visibility Procedures (LVP) prepared for the operation of aircraft upto CAT IIIB visibility conditions at IGI Airport Delhi and notified through AIP Supplement No. 33 of 2006, shall be strictly followed by all the agencies at the airport including the security agencies.

With the deteriorating trend of visibility detected, Duty Officer MET, IGI airport, shall inform the WSO as the RVR becomes less than 1200 meters and also when the visibility forecasted indicates deterioration of visibility to 800 meters or less. This information shall also be passed by MET at IGI airport to the Airlines and other agencies whenever enquiries about visibility conditions are received from Airlines to plan their flight scheduling.

The Airlines on the basis of the above information shall plan their departures and arrival at IGI airport and simultaneously commence necessary facilitation processes to avoid inconvenience to their passengers.

The Met Department should draw a contingency plan to include the continuous serviceability of Met equipments and positioning of senior officials.   

Airport Terminal Managers of DIAL at all the three terminals at IGI Airport shall also monitor such information and in co-ordination with the Airlines take necessary steps to facilitate passengers as drawn up in their fog contingency plan.

The Low Visibility Procedures shall start from the moment the RVR value drops to 800 M and less. The MET Department at the airport shall continuously monitor the trend of RVR which shall be broadcasted and updated from time to time.  All airlines shall monitor this trend through telephone or the ATIS broadcast for their planning of flight departures and passenger facilitation. WSO on receipt of visibility reports shall at the appropriate time ensure broadcasting on ATIS, whenever CAT II and CAT III-A/B conditions are in vogue.

Once the LVP commences, all the agencies at the IGI airport shall start taking respective action contained in the Low Visibility Procedure. 

Proper and strict RT discipline shall be maintained by all the pilots, ATC and Apron Control during LVP operations.

Airlines shall ensure that only those pilots who are adequately trained and certificated for Low Take-off Minima are rostered for operating flights during low visibility conditions from/to Delhi to ensure aircraft operation during low visibility conditions especially during CAT II and CAT III-A/B conditions.

The following procedure shall be followed by the Air Traffic Control and the pilots of all airlines for operations during low visibility conditions:

      The pilots while requesting for start up, in addition to the normal procedure of intimating POB, security check, parking stand number shall also provide the following information;

“CREW, CAT IIIA/B CAT II (as applicable to individual case),  QUALIFIED” and


                  Thereafter START-UP clearance will be approved by the ATC.

On the basis of trend forecast indicating change in visibility conditions below 800m ATC will give priority to Cat-II/III compliant flights. During the improving trend in the visibility from Cat-IIIB/Cat II, the flights certified for lower category of operation i.e. Cat III,II and I  in the order, shall be given start-up on the actual reported visibility.

The Apron Control, who shall be keeping a listening watch on the ground frequency, shall monitor `Door Close’ compliance with the request of the aircraft for start-up. In case of false information regarding door closed by any aircraft, his start up sequence shall be cancelled.  Fresh start up shall be considered by ATC only after getting confirmation from the Apron Control/security jeep. Such cases shall be reported to DGCA by DIAL.

The Apron Control shall also maintain constant surveillance of persons, vehicles on movement area and ensure strict adherence to apron discipline guidelines as contained in the SOP on inspection of the Apron Area during LV-Operations at IGI airport.  Any violation shall be strictly acted upon.

The airlines should endeavor to sequence the departure of their respective flights in accordance with the MET Minima approved for their pilots.

On improvement of RVR as reported by MET Office, the ATC shall ensure that proper traffic flow/ sequence is maintained.  The Flight Operations Officers of the airlines shall also monitor the weather being passed by ATC to the aircraft and also the weather broadcast on ATIS (126.4 MHz) for briefing of their flight crew either in person or company channel.

It would be the individual responsibility of the Airlines for revising Estimated Off Block Time of their flights in line with the visibility given by the MET Office and the availability of the pilots for operating in such situation.

Normally not more than 8 (eight) start-ups may be approved by ATC during the first 30 minutes immediately after the MET report on improvement of RVR to 550 meters is received.  This number is flexible at the discretion depending on prevalent traffic situation.

The ATC shall sequence the departures based on the start-up request, runway in use vis-à-vis parking stand of the aircraft and also taking into consideration the routes to be flown in order to avoid congestion at taxi hold position.

The ATC shall sequence the departure of flights giving equal preference to each of the airlines that gets  ready for taxi out.  Any queries in this regard from the airlines shall be through their flight operations office, which will be in contact with its flight crew on company channel and with ATC on landline to avoid congestion on RT.

At least 30 minutes before the departure, the flight crew/ flight operations officer of the airlines shall monitor the ground control frequencies for updates with regard to sequencing of departures.

If any flight fails to push back or taxi-out within 2 minutes of receiving such clearance the ATC must be informed by the flight crew or by their Airlines who shall then re-sequence the departure time for the affected flight.

Domestic airlines may plan not more than 5 (five) arrivals within the first 30 minutes of improvement of RVR to 550 meters and above.  The same rate to be continued for the next one hour. This number is flexible at the discretion depending on prevalent traffic situation.

WSO ATC shall monitor the traffic conditions and initiate activation of surveillance approach radar as per ATC circular no.2/2003 when arrivals are more than 15 within one hour so as to regulate proper sequencing of arrival flights.

ATC, Delhi  shall inform to outstations metro airports (BOM, CCU, HYD etc.) about the “estimated time of touchdown”, depending on the traffic situation, on an hourly basis applicable for two hours ± 10 minutes to facilitate the airlines to plan their departure from above stations to Delhi.

The diverted flights to nearby stations around Delhi shall be accorded priority by Delhi ATC for return of these diverted flights to Delhi. Only the senior level officers from Airlines thru their operational control and /or thru ERIC, can request WSO ATC Delhi for according priority for their such flights by indicating their name and designation.

The Surveillance Approach Sector Controller shall issue expected touch down time to the arrival aircraft based on 3 minute interval of the arrivals.  The pilots of these arrival aircraft shall inform their respective flight operations about their ETA on their company frequency.

Radar Controller shall arrange the arrivals with spacing of 8 to 10 NM to accommodate one departure in between 2 arrivals taking into consideration the domestic and/ or international departures during that period.

Airline Pilots on incoming flights (jet aircraft) shall maintain speed at 210 knots when given 20 NM check and shall further maintain the speed as per ATC instructions to ensure desired spacing from safety considerations.

CISF, in coordination with Airport Terminal Managers shall ensure that all Security Check Points inside the Terminal Building are manned and all associated security equipments including X-ray Baggage Inspection System, HHMDs etc. are serviceable.

All airlines should nominate senior level officer as NODAL OFFICER and positioned at the airport during the fog period to be available for taking on the spot decision for passenger facilitation and to co-ordinate with the control cells (ERIC/CMC/PRESS BRIFING  etc.) established by DIAL for the Fog contingency.

Airlines shall augment their ground staff and position them at the airport with proper briefing for handling various passenger facilitation processes in co-ordination with the other airport agencies. 

Airlines shall inform their passengers of the delay/rescheduling/ cancellation of their flights in advance through mobile/SMS/other communication mean to avoid congestion at the airport.

      Airlines shall periodically update flight information display system at the airport to apprise their passengers about the delay/cancellation etc. In addition to the information displayed by Airlines about their flight status, Airlines shall also provide updated information of their flights on hourly basis to DIAL for display on Flight Information Display system as well as on CCTV. 

      Frequent announcement on the flight status shall be made through DIAL PA system in the passenger check-in area after obtaining updated information from Airlines. The airlines shall make similar announcement in the security hold area.

      Airlines shall ensure progressive boarding of the passengers out of security hold area in order to avoid congestion in the security hold. Passenger after check-in shall be made to proceed for security by the airlines after ensuring that the flight is ready to depart / is on ground. If delayed, after boarding, appropriate facilitation to be given by Airlines on board.

      The Airlines, particularly LCC shall provide facilitation in terms of tea/water/snacks to the passenger of their delayed flights. The coupon scheme extended by DIAL may be availed by airlines for the passenger facilitation purpose.

      All the security counters and custom/immigration counters, as applicable for International terminal, should be manned adequately to avoid congestion. 

      DIAL shall give periodic information through the press releases regarding the status of aircraft movement that has taken place at IGI airport during fog conditions in consultation with Airlines.

Late last night the DGCA held a meeting of all domestic and international airline operators as well as the airport operators to review the situation and has directed them to make a coordinated effort to ensure that scheduled are not affected in case of low visibility conditions.


(Release ID :32593)

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)