Communication facilities fast-returning to normalcy 2 MB VSAT installed at Car Nicobar to augment STD lines

for Ministry of Communications | Date - 05-01-2005

The communication facilities are fast-returning to normalcy in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Shri Dayanidhi Maran, today reviewed the re-construction efforts in a meeting of senior officers of the Department. In the first phase, the BSNL has already energised INMARSAT terminals for establishing point-to-point connectivity. It is now being refurbished for usage by the local population. Main efforts are directed in the areas of Car Nicobar, Little Andaman and Great Nicobar.

Meanwhile, Antenna and ancillary equipment of 2 Mb VSAT have been installed at Car Nicobar and the equipment has been energised. VSAT equipment, will be pointed to INSAT satellite and the same will be used for augmenting STD lines at Car Nicobar soon after its commissioning. Army authorities also joined in the restoration operations of communication facilities in the affected areas of islands by transporting multiple-channel per carrier (MCPC) satellite equipment, exchange equipment, Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) equipment etc., to Hutbay Island from Port Blair by helicopter. Likewise, two numbers of INMARSAT terminals transported by the Army authorities to Katchal Island by aircraft/helicopter from Port Blair/Car Nicobar have been commissioned.

VSAT equipment along with the team reached R.K. Pur yesterday for installation. Hutbay and V.K. Pur will be connected to R.K. Pur by OFC and new exchange. INMARSAT terminals were commissioned at Great Nicobar Island and Car Nicobar Island. One MCPC terminal was also commissioned at Car Nicobar Island.

The Staff/BSNL team which landed in Champin (NANCOWRY) Island by ferry found the exchange building badly damaged and is not usable for exchange working. Another team has sailed to Teressa Island from Kamorta Island and the report is still awaited. The communication facilities in the rest of the Island areas have been restored and are working.

RM/AMA 050105 Status Report
(Release ID :6282)

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)