Commemoration of Historical Event

for Ministry of Culture | Date - 22-05-2012

The Minister for Culture and Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation Kumari Selja has said that the Government of India had undertaken the commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of First War of Independence, 1857 during 2007-2009

Details are annexed.

This Project has been entrusted by Ministry of Culture to the Indian Council of Historical Research. The Project is likely to be completed by 2013.

Government of Indiahad constituted a National Committee under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister for commemoration of the 150thAnniversary of First War of Independence 1857, the 60th Anniversary of Indian Independence, the Centenary Celebration of Adoption of as the National Song and the 75th Anniversary of Martyrdom and birth Centenary of Singh.

A National Implementation Committee under the Chairmanship of Minister of Human Resource Development had also been constituted to chalk out the programmes and activities for celebration of the above mentioned events. A calendar of events was prepared in consultation with a Committee of historians the Indian Council of Historical Research for scheduling variousprogrammes during the above mentioned commemoration period. The following programmes were -

on 11th May 2007 in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and the Nehru Kendra .

commemorative Postage Stamp

was organized at Bombayon 9th August 2007, in the memory of the Quit India Movement in collaboration with the State Govt. of Maharashtra.

Mobile Exhibition on Train

Express’ was flagged off on 28thSeptember, 2007 from Delhi and it had completed a round of the country on 28thSeptember, 2008. It toured more than 60 cities and towns and was visited by of people.


Issue of Commemorative Coins

Prime Minister on 18th April, 2008.


A corpus fund of Rs. 2.00 has been released for each Chair and funds were released to the JawaharlalNehruUniversityin the name of Singh, Rs. 6.00 to IGNOU for Chairs in the names of Shah , General Shah of INA and Singh .Rs. 8.00 released to Universityfor the establishment of chairs of , , Ahmed and Shri M.A .

was released as corpus for the establishment of Chairs of Ali and Tope in DelhiUniversity.

(vii)National Register of Martyrs

Funds amounting to Rs. 1, 40, 46,000 have been released to ICHR (out of the total sanctioned amount of Rs. 1.87 ).The project is likely to be completed by 2013.

Birth Centenary of Singh

Programmes were organized on 28th September, 2007 and 28thSeptember, 2008 at Amritsar and at New Delhi in collaboration with the State Govt. of Punjab and the Govt. of NCT of Delhi.

It was decided to construct a museum/memorial in the native place of Singh at , , at a total cost of Rs. 16.81 . The Government of India has release a sum of Rs. 7.50 to the State Government of Punjab for this purpose.

NIC had also approved a project for construction of a memorial in the name of Smt. , mother of Singh, at Village,Punjab.Government of Indiahas sanctioned a total budget outlay of Rs. 438.12 for this Project, against which an amount of Rs. 219.06 has been released to the ITDC which is the executing agency.

Commemoration of Movement

Setting up of Light & Sound Show and the setting up of Museum and Gallery at at Sahib, Ludhianawith a total Budget outlay of Rs. 3.75 .Ministry of Culture had released an amount of Rs.2 to the ITDC in March, 2009 for the above Projects.

Approval had been given for organizing a National Seminar on the Movement at , New Delhi within the budget outlay of Rs. 25 and a Multi-Media Show on the Movement within the budget outlay of Rs. 89.00 . Against the total amount of Rs. 114 for these Projects.Ministry of Culture had released an amount of Rs. 92.00 March, 2011.The Multi-Media Show had been organized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi from 11thto 13th March, 2011.The National Seminar on Movement is yet to be organized.

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)