Chhattisgarh Plan for 2013-14 Finalized

for Planning Commission | Date - 31-07-2013

The Annual Plan for 2013-14 for the State of Chhattisgarh was finalised today at a meeting between ShriMontek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission and Dr. Raman Singh, Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh. The Plan size has been agreed at Rs.25,250crore which includes the central assistance to the State Plan of about Rs.2,574 crore. In addition, an amount of about Rs.6,000crore is likely to flow from the Centre to Chhattisgarh through various Centrally Sponsored Schemes. Thus, Plan funding from the Central Government to the State of Chhattisgarh, from all sources, is expected to be over Rs.8,574crore during 2013-14.

In his comments on the plan performance of the State, Mr Ahluwalia said that the State has been following right policy of inclusive development with focus on private participation in infrastructure development. He said focus on inclusive growth should continue during the 12th plan for reaching social targets.While appreciating the State Government’s effort in improving human development index, it was pointed out that health indicators have shown substantial improvement but deterioration in child sex ratio is a matter of concern.

The Commission also appreciated the State Government for focusing on the creation of appropriate industrial infrastructure and development of cluster based industrial units. Industrial investment should be encouraged in the mineral sector as the State has rich mineral endowment. Public private partnership in development of industrial infrastructure needs to be encouraged. The Twelfth Five Year Plan, which aims for faster, more inclusive and sustainable growth, will require continued work in several areas of development.

Concerted efforts are needed to improve the literacy rate and eliminate gender and social gap in school enrolment by the end of Twelfth Five Year Plan by ensuring that educational opportunities are available to all segments of the society. According to Census, 2011 data, the gender gap in literacy in Chhattisgarh is high at 20.86 per cent. High incidence of Child and Malnutrition and anaemia among women are other areas of concern which need more attention. It is suggested that convergence with ICDS should be encouraged in order to address the problems of malnutrition. Only 55 per cent of the habitations in the State are fully covered with drinking water facility under NRDWP against the national average of 76 per cent. The State Government should step up its efforts to cover 100 per cent habitations with drinking water supply facility in 12th Five Year Plan.

It is widely recognized that adequate investment in the development of infrastructure is a prerequisite for higher growth. In this context, steps have been taken by the government to create an enabling environment to promote investment in infrastructure. The strategy for the Twelfth plan encourages private sector participation directly as well as through various forms of PPPs, wherever desirable. Therefore, resources have to be mobilized from the private sector also to ensure that targets, in physical and financial terms, are met by the end of the Twelfth Plan period.

The Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh said that during 12th plan period State would be following a policy of faster and more inclusive growth with 10 per cent growth target. Higher investments would be made in agriculture to improve productivity and income. Social sector spending would be further enhanced to reduce disparity inhuman development indicators and achieve millennium development goals.

He said the State is targeting a growth of nine per cent this year with higher investment in agriculture to improve farm productivity and income. Physical infrastructure is being upgraded with efficient and judicious use of natural resources. Use of renewable sources of energy is being promoted, he added.

He said to improve business regulatory environment, State investment promotion board has been constituted to facilitate early sanction of projects. Single window clearance system has been put in place and a monitoring committee has been set up to coordinate and review progress of statutory clearances.


(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)