Announcement of Introduction of Department of Pharmaceuticals “Interest Subsidy Scheme for Schedule ‘m’ Compliance” for SSI Pharma units dove-tailed with the credit linked Capital Subsidy Sche

for Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers | Date - 27-08-2009

The Interest Subsidy Scheme for Schedule “M” compliance framed by the Department of Pharmaceuticals keeping in view the difficulties experienced by the manufacturers especially belonging to the small scale enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector in respect of the additional financial burden in implementing the mandatory measures under the revised Schedule “M” to the Drugs and Cosmetics rules, 1945 relating to Good Manufacturing Practices and requirements of premises/equipments etc. for pharmaceuticals products has now been specifically enhanced based on the scheme formulated by the Department of Pharmaceuticals of the Government of India with the above Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) under the Development Commissioner (MSME). A copy of the scheme is given in the website of the Department of Pharmaceutical and the office of the Development Commissioner The SSI units in the Pharma sector can now avail of the benefit of the CLCSS for up to 179 items of plants and machinery required for up-gradation to Schedule ‘M’ Standards.

As would be clear from above, the Second Supplement of the revised guidelines on the Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) for Technology up-gradation of Micro and Small Enterprises has been issued by the office of the Development Commissioner (MSME), Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India (MSME), Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. The guidelines are applicable w.e.f 13th July 2009. These revised guidelines contain the above mentioned list of 179 machineries/equipment recommended for Drug and Pharmaceuticals Products, Sub-sector wise (including the Existing Technologies in the CLCSS required for Schedule ‘M’ compliance. More than 3000 SSI units will benefit from this enhanced scheme and a benefit of more than Rs. 400 crore could be availed in totality by the entire SSI Pharma sector resulting in additional and better product turnover of close to Rs. 10,000 crore annually.

Steps are currently undergoing for inclusion of the medium scale Enterprises as well as for undertaking WHO – GMP and other International Standards compliance by the Department of Pharmaceuticals.

Clarification with respect to the scheme may be sought from the following:-

I. Joint secretary Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, New Delhi-110011. Tel: 011 23485131 Fax: 011 23387222, E-mail: [email protected].

II. Director, Office of the Development Commissioner MSME Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011. Tel: 011 23061197, Fax: 011 23061158



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