Ample Fertilizers Available for Kharif Season

for Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers | Date - 25-05-2011

Season of 2011. Requirement of fertilizers for 2011 is as follows:-

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The requirement and availability of fertilizers for the period April – June 2011 is as follows:-

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Thus, Urea, NPK, MOP and SSP are available in ample quantity. However, there has been a marginal shortfall of DAP during April to June 2011, mainly because of late arrival of imports of DAP due to disturbances in West Asia and Middle East which are the main sources of supply. The position is expected to be normal by June end. As NPK and SSP may be substituted for DAP to some extent, States have been advised to use NPK and SSP to meet shortage in availability of DAP. The combined total requirement of DAP and NPK for the period April to June is 51 LMT, against which, total availability of DAP and NPK would be 41.02 LMT which is more or less the same, as against the availability of these fertilizers during 2010 i.e. 41.01 LMT.

It is estimated that about 10.00 LMT of fertilizers has been additionally prepositioned for 2011 compared to last year.

Availability of fertilizers is being monitored on weekly basis and the position is comfortable except about 20% shortage in availability of DAP and NPK taken together. With expected arrival of imported DAP from 1st week of June, this position is expected to be normal.

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)