Amendments to Article 243 T of the Constitution for enhancing reservation for women in Urban Local Bodies to 50 percent

for Ministry of Urban Development | Date - 22-10-2009

The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal for moving a Constitutional Amendment Bill for enhancing reservation for women in Urban Local Bodies from one third to fifty percent. This provision will apply to (i) the total number of seats to be filled by direct election, (ii) offices of Chairpersons and (iii) seats and offices of the Chairpersons reserved for SCs and STs.

Increased representation of women is likely to yield significant benefits in terms of higher priority to women’s issues in critical areas of urban Governance and service delivery such as water supply, sanitation, solid waste management, education and health etc.


The President of India in her address to the Parliament on 4.6.09 stated that the Government will initiate steps for Constitutional Amendment to provide fifty percent reservation for women in Urban Local Bodies as women suffer multiple deprivations of class, caste and gender and enhancing reservation in Urban Local Bodies will lead to more women entering the public sphere.

Implementation Strategy & Targets

Ministry of Urban Development will move a Bill for amendment to Article 243 T of the Constitution in the next session of Parliament after approval of the Cabinet.

Major Impact

Enhancement of reservation for women in Urban Local Bodies will not only ensure their increased representation and participation at grassroots levels in various Urban Local Bodies but also mainstream gender concerns in governance and decision making process.

Expenditure involved

There is no financial implication in operationalization of the proposal.

States/Districts covered

The proposed Constitution Amendment Bill would cover All States/UTs and parts thereof, which are covered by Part IX A of Constitution.



(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)