Toll Booth/Plaza Information for Vadodra

Toll Rate

Type of vehicleSingle JourneyReturn Journey Monthly Pass Commercial Vehicle Registered within the district of plaza
Bus/Truck465.00 695.0015440.00NA
Upto 3 Axle Vehicle505.00 760.0016840.00NA
4 to 6 Axle 725.00 1090.0024210.00NA
HCM/EME725.00 1090.0024210.00NA
7 or more Axle 885.00 1325.0029475.00NA

Toll Plaza Details

Date of fee notification19-Dec-2012 (Sr No. - S.O. 2921 (E))
Commercial Operation Date03-Jan-2013
Fee RuleNA
Capital Cost of Project (in Rs. Cr.)2125.24
Cumulative Toll Revenue (in Rs. Cr.) NA (For Entire Project Stretch) As on :03-Jan-2013
Concessions Period25
Design Capacity (PCU) 80000
Traffic (PCU/day) NA As on : 03-Jan-2013
Target Traffic (PCU/day) NA As on : 03-Jan-2013
Name of Concessionaire / OMT Contractor Ms.IRB Ahmedabad Vadodara Super Express Tollway Pvt.Ltd.
Name / Contact Details of Incharge Mr.Rakesh Parmar / 8238045751

Important Information about the Toll booth

Helpline No. : Crane-7203903152, Ambulance -7069074136, Route Patrol-7069074134
Emergency Services : 108
Nearest Police Station: Police Station / 26652562600100
Highway Administrator (Project Director): Sh. Suraj Kumar Singh / 8130006124
Project Implementation Unit(PIU)PIU Ahmedabad
Regional Office(RO)RO Gandhinagar
Representative of ConsultantMr.Brugesh Dalwadi 9825799622
Representative of Concessionaire: Mr.Himanshu Shah Mr. Girish Gadikar / 9712990836 7798883173
Nearest Hospital(s): Primary Health Center. Vasad. S.S.G.Civil Hospital. Vadodara