(a) to (d) Representations were received from the All India Organisation of Chemists and Druggists
(AIOCD) and different manufacturers, pharmacists and chemists etc., regarding the difficulties
faced by them in adhering to the procedure of transporting the psychotropic substances manufactured
and sold under licence issued under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act/Rules, under cover of a Consignment
Note in accordance with the provisions of Rule 67 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
(NDPS) Rules.
In view of the difficulties expressed by the trade in adhering to the procedure of
Consignment Note under Rule 67 of the NDPS Rule, the Government issued a Gazette Notification GSR
104 (E) dated 25th February, 2005 amending the NDPS Rules, 1985 granting exemption from the
operation of Rule 67 of the NDPS Rules, 1985 subject to condition that Consignment Note in the
prescribed from (Form-6) shall not apply in cases where the sale of the psychotropic substance is
accompanied by a sale bill or invoice or cash memo or any other document duly signed by the consignor
or his authorized signatory, which shall include the following information about the consignment:â
(a) name, address and licence number of the consignor and the consignee;
(b) description, batch number and quantity;
(c) mode and particulars of transport.
Provided further that such document shall be preserved by consignor and consignee for a
period of two years for inspection by the notified officers. However, where the consignee is a
research institution, registered medical practitioner, hospital or dispensary, the requirement
of incorporating licence number of consignee shall not be applicable.