(a): Total amount involved as arrear wages to the
Labourers in BCCL was Rs. 528.27 crores for the
period July, 1996 to December, 2000.
(b) & (c): Excess payment was made to a few employees
only on account of their overtime. While preparing
the arrear wages bill, the maximum ceiling of
overtime was not taken into consideration by
Excess payment was made in respect of 2578
employees out of total of 1,53,555 employees,
amounting to Rs. 99.43 lakhs out of the total
payment of Rs. 528.27 crores. The excess amount
paid has been / is being recovered from their
salary bills.
(d) & (e): Yes, Sir, Payment was made after pre-audit.
List of firms who were engaged for audit of arrear
wages is given below:-
i). M/S. DN Dokania ii). M/S. PS Keshari &
Associates, Co. Chartered
Chartered Accountants, Accountants, Dhanbad.
iii). M/S. Singh iv). M/S. George Read
Mukherjee & Associates, & Co. Chartered
Chartered Accountants, Accountants, Kolkata.
v). M/S. PK vi). M/S. S.
Banerjee & Co. cost Banerjee & Co. cost
Accountants, Dhanbad. Accountants, Dhanbad.
vii). M/S. US Prasad viii). M/S. Konar
& Co. Chartered Mustaphi & Associates,
Accountants, Patna. Chartered Accountants, Patna.
xi). M/S. S.N. Das,& x). M/S. Karmakar
Co. Cost Accountants, Shamanta & Associates,
Dhanbad. Cost Accountants, Sitarampur.
xi). M/S. Ghoshal & xii). M/S. M.P. Sinha
Ghoshal, Chartered & Co. Cost Accountants,
Accountants, Kolkata. Dhanbad.
xiii). M/S. Das xiv). M/S. Shyamadas
Bairgya & Associates, Bandhopadhyay &
Cost Accountants, Associates, Chartered
Kolkata. Accountants, Dhanbad.
(f) & (g): Considering the total volume of work and the
time allowed to the auditors for auditing, no
action has been taken. However, their performances
are being watched.